Meet DragonStrike.
Our coming Miniature-based board game of Dueling Dragons and their heroic riders! Follow on Kickstarter HERE
DragonStrike is a 2-4 player game of around 60 minute gameplay over a 3 foot by 4 foot hex based gaming mat.
Players must secretly choose their coming maneuver to outsmart their opponents and breathe fire (or poison, lighting or frost) on them…with each breath type having its own range, area and effect!
Based on the D&D world/lore you can play individual games or follow the development of your dragon-wing, gaining dragon traits and rider skills. Either fighting to free or cage the dragon queen Tiamat…
Hope you enjoy the pics of our prototype below with the first of our coming 4 dragons painted here in different dragon colors. (this one will be an Adult Red Dragon)
Kickstarter coming soon with a delivery date of Summer 2024!
Based on the D&D lore, DragonStrike has 5 metallic and 5 chromatic dragons, each with its own breath types and traits! In campaign mode they will earn traits and skills as they go along…

Riders secretly choose their coming maneuver trying to surprise their opponent and get him on their sights…like this unlucky red is about to painfully find out…

Besides breathing death on their opponents, dragons can also leave “hazards” on the battle field , like lightining storms or ice bombs, to restrict movement and gain tactical advantage…think ahead!

Teamwork is as critical as individual dragon skill…gaining the EDGE is key to win head on fights and the objective of the mission is more important than any dragon’s life!

Each Dragon has his control board to keep track of wounds, fatigue, and orders…keeping the playmat CLEAN

While tactically deep, dragonstrike keeps rules simple and straightforward. As demonstrated by this group of 9 to 12 year olds playing on their own…dont underestimate these young riders who will surprise you by guessing your next maneuver…

Simultaneous movement and fast firing mechanics makes DragonStrike almost as fast in a 1 vs 1 as in a 4 vs 4 game that usually lasts 90 minutes!

Although we usually run convention demos (such as this one at DragonCon 2023) using larger mats DragonStrike fits in its 3 by 3 foot mat for 1 vs 1 games, so you can play on standard club game tables.

DragonStrike will come equipped with beautifully sculpted and pre-painted dragons…

In the demos you may have seen RED here , painted in many colors as his brothers and sisters continue to get sculpted…bronze is coming next!

So get ready to join a storm of dragons and their daring riders fighting for air superiority in 2024.
This looks like a fun game! So how do I get notified when Dragon Strike comes out? lol
OK I see it DUH! lol