As we are yet to fulfill the printed books and minis to the KS backers, hopefully about to start very soon, it was time to go back and start playtesting Dark Ages with CLASH again.
We had done this early on, as many players had armies readily available from SAGA. When we moved on to playtest Ancients we had to put that on hold as ancients playtesting required a lot of repetition and gaming to get things right.
Now it is time to give the same treatment to Dark Ages and this was a good game to get into the feeling of it.
We had two 900 points armies made with the draft lists that you can find on our CLASH online support page www.clashofpsears.com .
The core of the rules are the same of course, but some other traits make appearences, such as the bigger warhorses of the normans ( when compared to the smaller horses of ancient armies), the crossbow, mixed weapons, the cutthroat trait of the vikings and so on.
One trait that kind of goes away is drilled, which means that it is much more complicated to advanced overlapping shields and so tactics tend to change quite a bit.
This is an early stage of playtesting, so games, further research, debates and an even larger playtester base as we open it up now to all CLASH players, means that these lists are certain to undergo notable changes before release. Still the games are fun and very enjoyable !
You can find the full pictorial battle report on the gallery below: