So Nick Bogart from Skirmish Supremacy came to help us and filmed a nice video while Alvaro and I played a small game of CLASH.
Skirmish Supremacy is a fantastic podcast with tons of great info on what is coming out new in wargames, with play through videos and great interviews, so you should have a look and subscribe.
This game is a slightly smaller game that you’d normally play, in a full game you’d have maybe an extra unit or two and maybe another character in your force, but for this quick preview we thought this would be fun.
I had a small force of Romans made of Hastati and Velites while Alvaro was facing me with a force of Italians with some Campanians, Samnites and some extra tribesmen.
During the game we reference the fatigue charts so here you have them so you can follow the action, and a little summary of combat responses.
This chart indicates the fatigue you gain as you perform actions depending on terrain and armor.

Next we can see the effects of accumulated fatigue

And this is the summary of the combat responses available to the unit that is being attacked

We hope to do some more detailed tutorials and teach the game through videos before the rules are out in Nov-Dec this year, but in the meantime this gameplay example should get you and idea of how the game flows…
Please let us know what you think so far… and wish us luck on this project.
You can’t against your brother’s Good Luck!
Just painting some of the beautiful Victrix Celts and Republican Romans, thinking that I might play Warlord’s SPQR… now that I’ve seen this, my copy of SPQR is going in the bin! When and where can I get a copy of Clash of Spears? You guys have done a brilliant job putting these rules together; I’m hooked already.
Phil, that is great news. We are glad you liked the video, it has taken us quite some time to get to the final product through extensive playtesting balancing and rewriting… but now it is done and it is off to layout and print
it will be out end of Nov-Dec…
first there will be online preorder. announced through this page, then it will reach retail
with a few surprises to be revealed over the next month..
gauls actually have two possible lists, lowland tribes and highland tribes with different combat styles and traits..
and of course victrix republican romans are right on point for the period of this our first book which will have
lowland gauls
highland gauls
greesk from sicily
greeks from italy
etruscans or campanians
I’ve sort of figured out what figures I can paint to get ahead of the game here… I’ve got Iberians, Romans, Celts and Carthaginians on the painting bench but the big question is; will Clash of Spears be released and be available in the U.K. around that November/December release date?
we are working to line up distribution in Europe so we hope to be able to address that effectively.
We’ll let you know soon as things are moving fast now, but it is looking good.
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Thanks for the news… will keep working on the figures ready for there arrival.