Back at Historicon 2016, I have played a very nice scenario hosted by Jerry Frazee. It was an adaptation from one of the skirmish campaign books; EPSOM, Final Effort. Jerry gladly sent me the files with the army lists to try a new version of it
So we settle for a 850 points a side battle. Attack-defence scenario, british armoured division vs 12SS panzer division. All allied toys were supplied by my friend Cacho. It is June 27th 1944.
British force consist of:
- Infantry Platoon
- Motor Infantry Platoon
- 2x Sherman Troops (2 Sherman, 1 Firefly each)
- Achilles
- Recce Cromwell & Daimler
- 25pdr battery
Germans force consist of:
- Veteran PzGrenadier Platoon in foxholes
- Pak40
- HMG team
- Pzschreck team
- sniper
- Veteran Armored PzGrenadier Platoon (reinforcement)
- PzIV Platoon
- Tiger I panzer Ace
- off table 80mm mortars
This time I would not make a very detailed ARR, just some highlights.
The terrain as seen from several sides. From the British (north) side
From the west:
From the east:
There would be 5 objectives: The Bridge, The orchard, The big house, and the two crossroads.
The british plan was for a determined infantry attack on the right (orchard) flank, trying to control both the Orchard and the main house (both objectives). And then, starting from turn 3 a full-fledged armoured attack on the left (bridge) flank.
Starting from turn 1, the 10th Highland Light Infantry deploy well forward and starts advancing towards the orchard in a spread out formation
All the way receiving harassing fire form a lone German sniper
The Orchard is there. what´s inside Vinny? Apples or Germans?
The german defenders have a lone PzIV as part of the initial defences, just watching over crossroad #1
British recce force also advances. A bold Daimler armored car meets the PzIV head on. A more cautious recce Crommwel stays behind.
And got killed of course
Highland light infantry teaching Jerry some infantry assault tactics
First grenades, then bayonet & Sten, forward boys!
On turn 3, the main british force arrives on table
Two Sherman troops advance
After some brief assault, the lone german section in the orchard is overwhelmed by the british infantry attack.
Shermans from the Fife & Forfar Yeomanry move forward towards the bridge, while the fireflies try some very long shots against the distant PzIV (and miss of course)
The armoured force takes the bridge, with the support of some motor infantry
After having taken the orchard, the british infantry sets on his next objective, the manor house
Meanwhile, german 12th SS armor has arrived as reinforcements…
and they have a Tiger!
Panzers take position to defend, undeterred by the constant 25pdr- shelling
The Highland light infantry got pinned at the wall by some very precise MG42 fire
Quick armored panzergrenadiers reinforce the built up areas, making the control of the manor house very difficult for the british
A Typhoon shows up and start dismembering some young SS who wander in the streets. 4x20mm autocannons are devastating vs infantry in the open (ROF10).
In the center, a vicious tank fight erupts, but the british hit nothing, and start to burn in return. The 17pdr. Armed Achilles tries in vain to target the panzers, but also misses.
A nice view of the tank melee. A lot of shermans burn, but also a firefly succeeded in Knocking out the Tiger panzer ace
In the town, a nervous pzschreck misses a point blank shot. And then is disemboweled by 20mm autoccannon fire from the skies (ie, the Typhoon)
The british are finally unpinned and went for the final advance. A final effort ladz!
The tank shootout went badly for the british…..
To the house! almost there!
Verstärke das Haus!
The tank battle is all but lost to the british. They fired 15 times, and scored a single hit (The burning Tiger). The german fire, in return, is devastating. With that abandonded Firefly, the british lost all their armor bar one (the sherman in the foreground)
With this, the Bristish break their BR limit, and must withdraw behind the Odon river again. It is turn 9.
A great game. The germans have sustained grievous infantry losses and already surpassed their own BR limit, but due to the british not in control of at least 3 objectives, they were able to stay in the fight. Control of that manor house was vital, and the british infantry were not fast enough.
Monty is not happy.