Last weekend I made my yearly Ireland post-salute visit to Piers Brand. We always have great fun and plenty of BG games and post-battle pub-discussion. But this time was special. I was invited for a proper full playtesting of the upcoming Battlegroup Pacific Book with the BG design team.
It was Saturday night, and the man himself (Warwick Kinrade) was there.
We would play one of the last Japanese attacks occurring on the island of Saipan, one of the Marianas, on 6-7th July 1944. Their target was some US Marines positions on high ground, resembling more or less the historical banzai attack near the village of Tanapag.
We have played a small BG FOTR Küstrin scenario in the afternoon, so a thorough cleaning of the table was needed before transforming it into Saipan. And Piers has an ultra-modern way of doing it

Then he set up a magnificent table, reflecting Harakiri Gulch in the island of Saipan and the outskirts of the Village of Tanapag.

The terrain reflected a trail on a valley dominated by 3 large hills on the USMC side (right side of the photo)

There were 4 objectives. One on the top of each of the 3 hills, and one on the middle of the trail.

Then was time for the players to set up the two opposing forces. We agreed on a big battle of 800 points a side.
Here the players concentrating on building their lists with support from advanced army-building software.

Which finally determined these forces:
The Marines: (BR 36) Piers & Vinnie
A force of Marines from the 3rd Battalion, 10th Marines defending high ground above Harakiri Gulch. Basically a reinforced infantry platoon entrenched with good support.
- Forward HQ
- Comms Relay team (they never imagined what awaited for them)
- USMC Infantry Platoon (regulars)
- 2x .30 cal MMG teams (with loader teams)
- Bazooka team
- Flamethrower team
- 81mm mortr team (with loader team)
- 3x additional flamethrowers on marine fire-teams
- Platoon of 3x M4A2 Sherman tanks (1 of them a zippo flametrower tank)
- Platoon of 3x M5 Sturt tanks
- Naval Shore party team
- US Navy fire support (2x 4´7¨ naval guns from USS Killcullen)
- 1x Pre-registered target point
- Timed Napalm Air-Strike
- 30 inches of trenches (enough for the whole platoon)
- Sniper + Spotter team
The USMC force has a formidable and fearsome array of weaponry & firepower. Also a quite unique platoon organization in fire-teams (oh, and yes, you could field shotguns!)
The Japanese: (BR 65) Warwick, Skip & Diego
A combined force of surviving Japanese infantry from diverse units with some tank support.
- Forward HQ
- Infantry Platoon (rated as Veterans)
- Infantry Platoon (rated as Veterans). Entering on turn 3.
- Infantry Gun
- 47mm AT-Gun (w/loader team)
- MMG team
- 1x Type 95 Ha-Go tank (might of the IJA)
- 1x Pre-Registered target point
- Mortar Battery. 2x 81mm Mortars
- Recce Tank platoon. 3x Type 97 Te-Ke light tanks
- 3x AT spider holes (hidden)
- 3x LMG spider holes (hidden)
The Japanese force lacked everything but courage. They had obsolete weapons and unit organization. But all were considered veterans and assault troops, and have a fanatical conviction that they should take 7 US lives before dying.
They also have many new special rules & tricks to put to good use, including hidden & suicide units, amongst others.
Warwick will be the overall commander. Skip would lead the attack with the first platoon. Powermonger-san will follow on with the second platoon.
A very modern tool for army construction was used and the final lists were these:

The scenario was a modified attack-defense, with 4 objectives. First side to reach their BR total +1 loses.
For all pacific battles a unique, separate set of BR counters is used (like in FOTR). They give the look & feel of a pacific battle and reflect some very special japanese tactics.
It was then time for the players to plan their tactics for the coming battle.
We as Japanese took the matter seriously and dressed properly for the occasion (improvised on the spot from pillow cases and lego)

We would wear the headbands all night long for the whole game. That´s commitment!
Our plan was simple. Skip (with the 1st platoon) will attack the hill on our right flank, just after the village. And on turn 3, I will follow with my 2nd platoon with an attack on the centre. Warwick will support us with the tanks, AT gun, Infantry gun and other Japanese “surprises”, and also make as many noise as possible on the left flank to distract the USMC there.
All was ready now to start, so we supplied ourselves with much needed irish beer to supplement our natural courage and fanatical devotion to the emperor.

Before starting, all the marine forces were deployed. Following, the dispositions of their trenches.
First section on the Marine Left Flank. Including a Shore Party for general support and direct Naval Gunfire. Almost none of those on the photo will survive the battle.

Second section on the Marine Centre. Including MMG and FHQ Support

A marine 81mm mortar with loader team is also positioned in the central Hill behind the main trenchline.

A sneaky sniper team and flamethrower team await deep in the jungle, ahead of the main central US Marine positions.

These two teams also covered the objective on the trail, granting control over it from the very first turn.

And finally the third US Marine section on the right flank

The Japanese started by laying some ineffective mortar fire over the marine trenches on the right flank.

The rest of their starting forces (1st platoon) advancing and occupying the abandoned village

The mighty Japanese Te-Ke recce tanks trying to draw attention from the marine trenches on the left flank also advance into position

The first 3 turns see the Japanese 1st platoon advancing and controlling the village and moving straight ahead through the jungle in the direction of the marine positions on the right hill. They will laboriously move through the jungle, out of LOS of the marine positions. Meanwhile, a rain of shells from US Naval Support Fire and marine mortar fire make the advance difficult for them, pinning some squads on their way up, but nothing crippling.

Japanese Officers had to impart some harsh discipline when a new US-terror weapon hit the field. A carrier-borne bomber dropped some Napalm over their heads, and, while mildly effective on the casualty side, make the proud japanese soldiers loose their temple for a while. The end result of the strike was we have to take 3 BR chits in total (1 unit lost / air attack / flame attack).

Awy from the flames, the Japanese armored decoy force reached their support positions on the left flank and started to receive some attention from the marine mortars and Naval Gunfire as soon as they become visible to the marine observers. In that, they´ve accomplished thier mission. Every shell from USS Kilcullen falling here is not falling over ur attacking infantry on the main axis of attack.

And they were pinned several times, until one Te-ke tank finally explodes.

The Japanese 2nd Platoon now enters the fray and start their long way to the central hill and the marines defending it.

With them comes the heavy armoured support, a mighty type 95 Ha-Go tank, pride of the IJA.

As the second platoon advance goes uphill, their position starts to be spotted by the US artillery observers. The artillery fire cause some pinning but nothing serious.
We see here the USMC commander checking LOS to my Japanese platoon before requesting a naval support barrage.

The American reinforcements enter the fray, positioning their tanks in pairs. The US tanks spread out along the ridge line, 1 Sherman and 1 Stuart behind each trench line.

The two surviving Te-Ke recce tanks would then start a long range gunnery duel with the reinforcing Sherman & Stuarts will eventually will end in nothing. They would expend all their ammo for the whole battle firing ineffectually at each other. But, again, distracting enemy armor from the main attack.

At this moment the Japanese commanding the second platoon takes a crucial decision. The first platoon seem to not have the decision to carry the assault on the right hill alone (packed with Marines on ambush fire).
Seeing that the attack on the right is faltering, the whole 2nd platoon change the direction of their attack to the right and join the efforts of the first platoon in clear dissobedience of their CO.
The US commander also noted this change of focus and ordered his artillery support to concentrate on the redoubled Japanese threat on the marine left flank. And one of the Japanese tanks got blown away by a direct hit from a big 4´7” naval gun.

The US armor assigned to protect the now unattacked central trenches now also move to answer the threat to their left flank.
One Sherman came down the central hill, only to be hit by a Japanese booby-trap (special counter) and start to burn!. A loud cheer arises from all japanese in LOS of the event, as we have done nothing but advance and die with fixed bayonets up until this moment.

The Japanese commander, seeing that the main effort would be done in a massive infantry attack uphill on the marine left flank, deploys hidden LMG spider holes almost in the face of the marine trenches.

And start to direct supressive fire on the marines on the ridge. But would do nothing, zero effect. The legend of the Vinnie, the 3+save Marine, starts here.

The Japanese MMG adds up suppressive fire on the marine trenches. But all fire is ineffective. The Marine´s trenches protect them for all incoming fire.

The large light mortar squads (with 3 mortars each!) would also see how their fire rebounds in the USMC trenches. Nothing could pin them!
The two Japanese platoons now make a coordinated effort to attack the marine trenches head on. The second platoon commander, more reckless than the first platoon one, decides to lead by example and leads his platoon into the open in a frontal attack. His very last words were “I will give you some meat cover” (in Japanese)
The marines were all unpinned, and on Ambush fire orders, waiting. Some of their dispositions:

They even have a Sherman Zippo, flames wating. And a Stuart in support

The combined platoons charge uphill, and a deluge of USMC ambush fire ensues. Followed by their own orders in the next turn (meaning a double round of jap-targeting). That´s the gauntlet you have to run when charging against unpinned entrenched enemies!
Some of the japanese infantry is killed outright, some are pinned, some fellback (always remember to use Fallback! when the enemy does not pin you first!)… and some decided to charge ahead with some successfull BTCOD tests. This allowed some of them get into close combat with the marines. A brutal fight ensues in the trenches with some marines finally dying. But the marines resist in their tough trenches with tank support. All Japanese attacking units are eliminated, routed or pinned. The zippo rodes onto the slope of the hill crushing japanese bodies everywhere.

This has been carnage, and anybody but the japanese would have left the field in defeat. But also demonstrated the awesome power of japanese close-combat skills. They were treated as assault troops (no need to test experience to charge into close combat) and being treated as veterans, they eaily pass all their BTCOD tests. That means that ANY japanese troop in close combat range is a mortal threat.
The USMC have taken some real damage now. Their turn saw also the movement of Marine reinforcements to the trenches. An MMG team, more fire-teams, and even a Comms relay team rush to help their belaguered colleagues.
The last turn losses have been crippling to the japanese. We are on the verge of breaking. So, in this delicate moment, our commander declared that a BANZA! charge was the only option left.
So we prepared ourselves, drew our Katanas, drank Sake and with a loud BANZAI! cry charged head-on towards the marines!

The BANZAI! charge is no-way-back option, which you can call only on desperate and very specific conditions (reached some BR left, special counters, etc.).
The moral effect of the Banzai! on our forces was very strong. General Morale (BR) was stiffened and some pinned units recovered their nerve also.
Our commander also took the opportunity to deploy our three spider AT teams, who suddenly appear and went straight towards the Zippo Sherman

Now on a full-Banzai mode, ALL our forces must try to contact and initiate close combat with the nearest enemy.
We choose to start first with the AT suicide squads. All three stand up and recklessly went for the Zippo.

One of them eventually made it. Witness!!!!

And connects an anti tank mine. Blowing himself and the Sherman out of the battle. Glory to the emperor!

All remaining Japanese infantry now recklessly attack into close combat.
The US Marines were desperate now, the line was buckling and their BR total (36) was being rapidly consumed. One after another the Marines fire teams found themselves at close quarters and whittled away.
There were cases of exrtreme heroism & violence. One single Japanese soldiers assaulted a trench, survived, then fought again on a Beyond the Call of Duty test, killed 5 Marines singlehandedly with his grenades, before being BAR’d down in turn. The bodies were really piling up. The japanese close assaults went one after another, clashing with the incredibly tough reinforced cover saves (Vinnie saved 8 of 9 hits, TWICE).

But the full force of the Banzai turn was not enough
Not known to the Japanese players, the USMC force has now reached their exact BR total. 1 More BR and they would have left the battlefield, defeated!
On the American turn they even risked taking a counter to unpin and got a special counter!
The final blow to the Japanese came from a Stuart, who MG´ed down a decimated japanese squad. That counter make our BR total to finally go over 65.
In front and inside the USMC trenches, piles of japanese and marines bodies piled up. I´ve not counted, but there would be not more than 10 or so japanese figures alive in the whole battlefield.
The USMC selected two of their surviving members for the Silver Star

It was a very, very tense game. Both USMC players declared was the best BG game they played. Ever. It was really up until the last cook, bullet and man. And they really felt that Banzai! charge coming down their bones.
SHAME! we were defeated. What a glorious game! I´ve never played a pacific game like this one. It felt so REAL! We were on the verge of glorious victory!
All japanese special rules and counters worked nicely. They give you that necessary edge when you have to confront such colossal enemy as the USMC with only bolt action rifles and bayonets (and a lot of guts).
The japanese team committing Seppuku after their inglorious defeat

We failed the emperor.
Finally a great thanks to all the BG design team for let me play this game!
Hope you enjoy reading.
Disclaimer: The 3 photos in this report wearing headbands are not intended to be disrespectful in any way to the japanese soldiers who valiantly fought in world war II.
Great report! By any chance do have a map (or complete picture) of the table lay-out that you can share?
Best regards,
Chris Johnson v
I´m glad you liked it!
Will try to get some more photos for you.
Regretably we have no maps other than the historical ones.
“Disclaimer: The 3 photos in this report wearing headbands are not intended to be disrespectful in any way to the japanese soldiers who valiantly fought in world war II.”
There are two guys in your pictures literally pulling their eyes back to be slanted. Are you aware that this is an incredibly racist gesture towards Asian people?
It is so sad that people cannot enjoy the freedoms that the allied soldiers fought for in world war 2 without someone complaining. “Now show me on the doll where the nasty wargamers hurt you”…..
Had the Japanese prevailed in that war, you would had a lot more to worry about, sir.
That aside, this was a great AAR, it sure looks like everyone had a good time and I appreciate the hard work that went in to putting it all together. I look forward very much to purchasing the book as soon as it becomes available!
Excellent report! I don’t often actually read AAR‘s, other than drooling over the pics that is, but this one was almost as gripping as your game seems to have been.
Thank you for the reading!
Interesting Battle Report. However as the Son of an Army Air Corp veteran of the Pacific. The last comment about political correctness was unseeded. My father was the Lone Survivor of his B-25 bomber crew – He had been wounded during air operations three weeks prior to his crew being shot down by the Japanese, Apparently while in captivity in China as prisoners of the Japanese Army after the nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan. My fathers comrades were HACKED to DEATH by his captors . My father was a LONE SURVIVOR and was racked with guilt for years afterward. My father would have turned 100 this year in June. No American owes any apologies for gaming battles in this war. Not now not ever. Last week the LONE Survivor of the Doolittle Raid passed away last week.