This is a battle we played on november 02nd, 2019, for playtesting my own BEF Campaign centered on the actions of “K” battery, 5th Royal Horse Artillery. It is a 3-scenario campaign which I will publish somewhere soon. This game is scenario 1.
This is 08:15 AM, may 27th, 1940. Major Robert Rawdon Hoare, battery “K” 5th Royal Horse Artillery commander. His battery (modernized 18/25 pdr guns) has been ordered to set up blocking positions over route D161 at the town of Hondeghem. Captain Brian Teacher has deployed “F” troop (half-battery, 4 pieces) covering two roadblocks. The only infantry support comes from inexperienced searchlight men from 5th battery/2nd Searchlight regiment.
It is expected that the full force of 6th Panzer Division come attacking this way. The 5/RHA Battery must resist until some reinforcements in the form of carriers & Vickers MKVI light tanks of the 1st Fife & Forfar Yeomanry come to the rescue.
After this final playtest, the scenario was considered ready to play in the context of the campaign.
The terrain represents route D161 up until its intersection with route D53, where the 5/RHA has positioned a roadblock in the southern outskirts of Hondeghem.

This is a modified “roadblock” scenario, described in the Battlegroup WAR supplement. The BEF player must resist and win time at the roadblock. Time is on his side (“time is pressing” rule), and reinforcements would come quickly but one at a time.
On the contrary, the Germans must capture or destroy the roadblock ASAP. They have the option of sending a flanking force to avoid the roablock and attack it from behind. But that would take time. It is up to the German commander to decide what to do.
As usual with my BG games, BR breaking alone does not guarantee victory. In order to win each side must break the enemy’s BR AND fulfill a primary mission. The primary mission for the German player is to capture or destroy the roadblock. The BEF primary mission is to keep control of it.
There would be 3 objectives. They are:
- The Roadblock.
- The Wine Store (Caves Du Marais)
- The Maille store
All Objectives only controllable by infantry units. These objectives would be re-scored starting on turn 6. No “good” BR chits could be used when drawn as a result of taken/re-scored objectives (they count as zero).

The BEF defenders start deployed with “hidden” status markers.
There are some additional special conditions & rules about this scenario that would be detailed in the proper briefing in the future.
We play with all our house rules

The BEF: (BR 23 +1d6, 3 officers). 500 pts
two different commands.

Major Hoare at the Hondeghem roadblock (A mix of units from 5/RHA, 2/Searchlights):
- Forward HQ (Major Hoare)
- 18 pdr Gun w/ loader team. In a Field Gun Dug-out
- 18 pdr Gun w/ loader team. In a Field Gun Dug-out
- Searchlight Platoon. Inexperienced Infantry
- 2x Boyes AT rifle teams
- Off table 18pdr battery (2x guns)
- 1x Hasty Pre-Registered target point
- Foxholes for 16 men
- 1x Improvised Roadblock
- Artillery Observation Post
- Backs to the Sea
- Stubborn Crews
- Landlines
- LMG Dug-out
The Fife & Forfar Yeomanry
- Light Tank Platoon (2x MkVIB, 1xMkVIC tanks)
- 1x Motorcycle patrol
- 1x Scout Carrier w/Boyes AT rifle
The Attacking Germans: (BR 38, 5 officers). 535 pts.
The Germans of 6th Panzer Division deploy in two waves and a potential Flanking force.
The first Wave (turn 1):
- Forward HQ in PzIIIE PzBefehlswagen (Hauptman Eric Löwe)
- Forward Signals in sdkfz 223
- Assault Pioneer squad on 251/7
- Off table 2x 80mm Mortars
- Recce HQ on a sdkz 222
- 1x sdkfz 221
- 1x kfz 13
- Kradschutzen Recce Patrol
The second Wave: (turn 2)
- Schutzen Platoon on 4x medium trucks
- PzII platoon (3x PzIIC)
- Pz 35 (t) Platoon. 3x Pz 35 (t) tanks OR
- Pz I Platoon AND a single PZIVD (players choice. If chosen that platoon cannot be used in next scenario)
The Flanking force (turn 4 or 5):
Select up to 4 units from the second wave. Enters on 4+ on turn 4. Turn 5 otherwise.
The BEF deploys in or near the roadblock

The Germans deploy in two waves. The first one can start up to 10 inches forward.
The 1st Fife & Forfar Yeomanry starts arriving from turn 2 onwards. One unit at a time.
The terrain represents route D161 up until its intersection with route D53, where the 5/RHA has positioned a roadblock.
I will just post photos of the game as it developed, with comments were appropiate.

After 14 previous games, I can consider the scenario fully playtested. It proved to be very balanced, very fast-paced, with alternate wins and many different approaches to victory.
The Germans destroyed the roadblock and overran the BEF defence. The 5/RHA must run for their lives now! The german engineers have died with honor, fulfilling their duty.
The BEF deployed foward en masse, protecting the roadblock. But gave away their positions very early, which let the germans use their superior firepower with ease. Fire discipline was lacking in those searchlight fellows.
The germans also opted for an all-tank flanking force which surprised the british and put them in disarray.
Great photos!!!