Continuing with the insights and peeks into Clash of Spears here we are presenting you a small of example of the mechanics that you will find in our game.

This is only a glimpse but you can see some of the elements in the game, fatigue, actions and reaction, flexibility in formations and combat stance, martial doctrine. Fun stuff all in all…
Have a look at this gallery and follow along… ( or you can download the pdf here ).
Excellent. Con daditos como a mí me gusta. Estupendo!
Eso es dedicación!!!!
I hardly ever read through an entire example. But this is really well done!
Cannot wait for these rules. I have been painting single based Caesarian Romans, Ancient Germans with Spartans and Athenians next just hoping someone would come up with a rule system just like this. Wonderful!
Tom, I sent you a PM over facebook messenger… it might be filtered… could you have a look and see if you got it ?
Great, promise they will be ready before end of year.
The main book will have lists for republican romans that can well be used for Cesarean Romans, Greek colonies in Italy that could serve for mainland Greece Athens and Sparta, and you could use lowland Gallic tribes for Germans..
BUT… the point system and list design concepts will be released as well, that way even if it takes us time to develop other lists that people might want you will be able to tweak the lists or create them fully from scratch to do any armies you want.
So… by end of year your Germans, Romans and Greeks will be Clashing their spears 🙂 !